/-/There was*N1 this girl [JRI
saw*D0 ](on the streets )one after noon=U--03 /R/I was wondering*D1 [DOif
she had*D1 a home. ]/-/I looked*D1 her up. /-/I found out*D1 [DOthat she
didn't realy have*D1 a home. ]/-/I also found*D1 out her name /-/Her name
is*N1 Cherie Scott /-/She was*A1 real nice /-/She has*D2 good manners and
everything else. /-/The only thing [JMwas*A1 wrong (with her )]was*N1 [PNthat
she had*D1 a drug problem. ]/-/She was*A1 not able to pay=IAV040 (for it
)[ARso she stole*D1 other stuff to pay=IAV050 (for the drugs. )]/-/I'm
going to help*D1 her (with her problem. )/-/I've got*D1 the job (of being=GOP051
able )to help=IAV031 people. /-/I got*D1 the nerve to ask=IAJ101 her [DOif
she would get*D1 me some stuff. ]/c/And she did.*- /-/I gave*D1 her the
money /R/then I followed*D1 her and*E pictures. /-/Then my people busted*D1
the man [JRthat was selling*D1 it (to her )]and got*D1 her to go=IDO050
(to school )and finished=IDO041 her educaiton. and be=IDO051 able to work=IAV020
and get=IDO091 a job [ARfor she could have*D1 fun. ]/c/And I got*D1 her
to stop=IDO060 (with the drugs )and do=IDO061 something (with her life.
)/c/So She lived*D1 a happy life. /-/My story was*-1P (in 1992 )!!!!!!!!