The Printable KISS Workbooks The KISS Workbooks Anthology
(Code and Color Key)

Assessment Quiz 
from McGuffey's Second Reader

Analysis Key

Words in S or V slots 22 x 3 ea. =  66
Complements 10 (x 1 + 1) =  20
Adj., Adv., + Prep. Phrases 14 x 1 ea.  14
For more about scoring, etc., see the Notes on Assessment Quizzes

1. Susie Sunbeam was not her real name (PN).

real Adj. to "name"

2. She would sit {by her mother's side} {for an hour} {at a time}.

side obj. of prep. "by"; pp. is adv. to "would sit"
mother's adj. to "side"
hour obj. of prep. "for"; pp. is adv. to "would sit"
time obj. of prep. "at"; pp. is adj. to "hour"

3. She had such a sweet, smiling face (DO), and always brought brightness (DO) {with her}.

smiling adj. to "face"
always adv. to "brought"

4. One day, a poor little girl {with a very ragged dress} was going by.

ragged adj. to "dress"; "dress" is the object of "with"; pp. is adj. to "girl"
very adv. to "ragged"
Note that "by" can be explained either as part of the verb phrase, or as an adverb.
5. She gave her (IO) a nice dress (DO) and a pair (DO) {of shoes}.
shoes obj. of prep. "of"; pp. is adj. to "pair"

6. Susie was always pleasant (PA) {in her play} {with other children}.

play obj. of prep. "in"; pp. is adv. to "was"
children obj. of "with"; pp. is adv to "was" and/or adj. to "play"

7. She loved to go {about the house} and get things (DO) {for her mother}, and {in this way} save her (IO) many steps (DO).

house obj. of prep. "about"; pp. is adv. to "loved to go"
mother obj. of prep "for"; pp. is adv. to "get" and/or adj. to "things"
Later, students will learn that "to go," "get," and "save" can be explained as infinitives that function as the direct objects of "loved."