a field} one summer's day#NuA03 a Grasshopper
was hopping about, chirping*GiveR01 and singing*GiveR06
{to its heart's content.} \-\An
Ant passed {by,} bearing*GiveR15
along {with great toil} an ear {of
corn} [RAJFhe was taking {to
the nest.}]
not come and chat=CV {with
me,"} [MINJsaid the Grasshopper,]
{"instead of toiling*GerOP01
and moiling*GerOP02}
{in that way?"}
am helping to lay*INFDO07 up food {for
the winter,"} [MINJsaid the Ant,]
"and recommend=CV you to
do*INFDO05 the same."
bother {about winter?"} [MINJsaid
the Grasshopper;] \C\we
have got plenty {of food} {at present."}
\-\But the Ant went {on
its way} and continued=CV its toil.
the winter came] the Grasshopper had no food
and found=CV itself
dying#ADO04 {of hunger,} [RAVFwhile
it saw the ants distributing#ADO17 every day#NuA02
corn and grain=CC {from
the stores} [RAJFthey had collected
{in the summer.}]]
\-\Then the Grasshopper knew:
is best to prepare*INFDS07 {for
the days} {of necessity.}