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Aesop's Fable # 4: The Crow and the Pitcher
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     \-\A Crow, half-dead#PPA03 {with thirst,} came upon a Pitcher [RAJFwhich had once been full {of water;}] \C\but [LAVFwhen the Crow put its beak {into the mouth} {of the Pitcher}] he found [RNDOthat only very little water was left=PV {in it,}] and [RNDOthat he could not reach far enough down to get*INFAV04 {at it.}] \-\He tried, \C\and he tried, but {at last} had to give up=CV {in despair.} \-\Then a thought came {to him,} \C\and he took a pebble and dropped=CV it {into the Pitcher.}  \-\Then he took another pebble and dropped=CV it {into the Pitcher.}  \-\Then he took another pebble and dropped=CV that {into the Pitcher.}  \-\{At last,} {at last,} he saw the water mount*INFDO06 up {near him,} \C\and {after casting*GerOP06 in a few more pebbles} he was able to quench*INFAV04 his thirst and save*INFAV04 his life.
     \-\Little {by little} does the trick.

