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Aesop's Fable # 16: The Man and the Serpent

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     \-\A Countryman's son {by accident} trod {upon a Serpent's tail,} [RAJFwhich turned and bit=CV him [RAVFso that he died.]]  \-\The father {in a rage} got his axe, and pursuing*GiveM03 the Serpent, cut off=CV part {of its tail.} \-\So the Serpent {in revenge} began stinging*GerDO06 several {of the Farmer's cattle} and caused=CV him severe loss.  \-\Well,#Inj01 the Farmer thought it*INFDE09 best to make*INFDS07 it up {with the Serpent,} and brought=CV food and honey=CC {to the mouth} {of its lair,} and said=CV {to it:} [RNDO"Let's forget*INFDO01 and forgive;*INFDO02] \,\perhaps you were right to punish*INFAV04 my son, and take*INFAV06 vengeance {on my cattle,} \C\but surely I was right {in trying*GerOP04 to revenge*INFDO03 him;} \C\now [LAVFthat we are both satisfied=PV] why should not we be friends again?"
     \-\"No, no," said the Serpent; \C\"take away your gifts; \C\you can never forget the death {of your son,} \C\nor I the loss {of my tail."}
     \-\Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.=CC
