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Jane Austen:
The Opening of Pride and Prejudice
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    \-\It is a truth universally acknowledged,*GiveR02 [RNDSthat a single man {in possession} {of a large fortune} must be {in want} {of a wife.}]

     \-\[LAVFHowever little known the feelings or views=CS {of such a man} may be {on his first entering*GerOP05 a neighbourhood,}] this truth is so well fixed=PV {in the minds} {of the surrounding families,} [RAVFthat he is considered=PV the rightful property#RCM10{of someone or other} {of their daughters.}]

     \-\"My dear Mr. Bennet,"#DrA04 [MINJsaid his lady {to him} one day,#NuA02] "have you heard [RNDOthat Netherfield Park is let=PV {at last?"}]

     \-\Mr. Bennet replied [RNDOthat he had not.]

     \-\[LNDO"But it is,] returned she; \C\"for Mrs. Long has just been here, \C\and she told me all {about it.}

     \-\Mr. Bennet made no answer.

     \-\[LNDO"Do you not want to know*INFDO06 [RNDOwho has taken it?"]] cried his wife impatiently.

     \-\"YOU want to tell*INFDO03 me, \C\and I have no objection {to hearing*GerOP02 it."}

     \-\This was invitation enough.

     \-\"Why,#Inj01 my dear,#DrA02 you must know, [RNDOMrs. Long says [RNDOthat  Netherfield is taken=PV{by a young man} {of large fortune} {from the north} {of England;}] [RNDOthat he came down {on Monday} {in a chaise and four} to see*INFAV04 the place, and was so much delighted=PV{with it,} [RAVFthat he agreed {with Mr. Morris} immediately;]] [RNDOthat he is to take*INFDO05#RCM05 possession {before Michaelmas,}] and [RNDOsome {of his servants} are to be*INFDO11#RCM11{in the house} {by the end} {of next week."}]]

     \-\"What is his name?"


     \-\"Is he married or single?"=CC

     \F\"Oh!#Inj01  Single, my dear,#DrA02 to be sure!*INFIJ03  \F\A single man {of large fortune;} \C\four or five thousand a year.  \F\What a fine thing {for our girls!"}

    \F\"How so?  \-\How can it affect them?"

     \-\"My dear Mr. Bennet,"#DrA04 [MINJreplied his wife,] "how can you be so  tiresome! \-\You must know [RNDOthat I am thinking {of his marrying*GerOP04 one} {of them."}]

     \-\"Is that his design {in settling*GerOP02 here?"}
