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Charles Dickens:
Opening Paragraphs of A Tale of Two Cities
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    \-\It was the best {of times,} \,\it was the worst {of times,} \,\it was the age {of wisdom,} \,\it was the age {of foolishness,} \,\it was the epoch {of belief,} \,\it was the epoch {of incredulity,} \,\it was the season {of Light,} \,\it was the season {of Darkness,} \,\it was the spring {of hope,} \,\it was the winter {of despair,} \,\we had everything {before us,} \,\we had nothing {before us,} \,\we were all going direct {to Heaven,} \,\we were all going direct the other way--#NuA03 \C\{in short,} the period was so far {like the present period,} [RAVFthat some {of its noisiest authorities} insisted {on its being*GerOP03 received,} {for good} or {for evil,} {in the superlative degree} {of comparison} only.]

     \-\There were a king {with a large jaw} and a queen=CC {with a plain face,} {on the throne} {of England;} \C\there were a king {with a large jaw} and a queen=CC {with a fair face,} {on the throne} {of France.}  \-\{In both countries} it was clearer {than crystal} {to the lords} {of the State preserves} {of loaves and fishes,} [RNDSthat things {in general} were settled=PV {for ever.}]

     \-\It was the year {of Our Lord} one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.#App06  \-\Spiritual revelations were conceded=PV {to England} {at that favoured period,} [RAVRas {at this.}]  \-\Mrs. Southcott had recently attained her five-and-twentieth blessed birthday, [RAJF{of whom} a prophetic private {in the Life Guards} had heralded the sublime appearance {by announcing*GerOP13} [RNDOthat arrangements were made=PV {for the swallowing up*GerOP07} {of London and Westminster.}]]  \-\Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid=PV only a round dozen#NuA06 {of years,} {after rapping*GerOP20 out its messages,} [RAVFas the spirits {of this very year} last#PPA02 past (supernaturally deficient#Inj04 {in originality)} rapped out theirs.] \-\Mere messages {in the earthly order} {of events} had lately come {to the English Crown and People,} {from a congress} {of British subjects} {in America:}  \C\which, strange to relate,*INFIJ03 have proved=PV more important {to the human race} {than any communications} yet received*GiveR11 {through any} {of the chickens} {of the Cock-lane brood.}
