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Record Number: G05SS # 1
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The Nutcracker
(from the 2001 Arizona State Standards)

      \-\I'll never forget the day {of Dec. 15, 1999.} \-\Half {of Miss Miller's 5th grade class} would be attending the Nutcracker Ballet. \-\Carl, Wendy,=CS Allen,=CS Camelita=CS and many others=CS filed {onto the school bus.} \-\[LAVFAs we slowly progressed {to the theater,}] we started recollecting*GerDO05 memories {of former performances.} \-\One girl shouted, [RNDO"The best performance [MAJFI ever saw] was [RNPNwhen the Nutcracker knocked over the huge Christmas tree!"]]
     \-\We all though [RNDOnothing could be funnier...]
     \-\{In the theater} the music filled the air. \-\So far, the performance had been exquisite. \-\Nearing*GiveL06 the end {of the performance} the Nutcracker Prince swept his beloved princess {off her feet.} \-\My eyes closed [RAVFas the few last notes sank deep {into my memory.}]
     \-\Ahhechh!!#Inj01 My eyes popped open just {in time} to see*INFAV13 the girl hurtling#ADO11 {through the air} right {into the orchestra pit!}
     \-\I knew then [RNDOthat that moment would be stuck=PV {in my memory} forevermore.]

For more about  this passage, see "Sample #1" in the KISS Workbooks for Grade Five, November 1st.