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Record Number: G05SS # 2
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The Contest
(from the 2001 Arizona State Standards)

      \-\It all started [RAVFwhen I saw the contest rules pasted*GiveR07 all {over the school bulletin board.}]
     \-\[LINJYou see,] I'm that kind {of kid} [RAJFthat's always {on the lookout} {for contests and prizes and stuff.}] \-\{By the way,} the names is Nicki.
     \-\Well,#Inj01 I was checking out the bulletin {for new contests,} \C\and I came across this paper [RAJFthat looked interesting.
     \-\The prize--#App01 where's the prize-- \C\ah--#Inj01 here it is... \F\what?#Inj01
     \-\The prize was a trip {to Iowa's pig farms.} \F\Great prize, right?#Inj01 \-\Well,#Inj01 {at least} it was something.
     \-\Anyway, I read the paper over carefully. \-\[LINJYou know,] sometimes they put things {in the small print} [RAJFthat you don't know about [RAVFuntil you get your entry back {in the mail} done*GiveR03 completely wrong#NuA02.]]
     \-\Well,#Inj01 I have had experience {with that} before \C\and it wasn't going to mess me up this time.#NuA02 
     \-\So, I was getting myself all hiped#ADO06 up {for this} Thinking*GiveR12
     [RNDO"Pigs aren't that bad [RINJare they?"]] and other things=CC {like that.}
     \-\Then I saw [RNDOwhat I had to do.] \-\This wasn't the kind {of thing} [RAJFwhere you write your name {on a piece} {of paper} and hope=CV [RNDOit gets picked=PV {in a drawing,}]] \,\no, I had to write a story! \-\Can you believe it? \F\Me-- the World's greatest writer? \-\And it said [RNDOI had to write {about education.}] \F\Education! \-\I knew even fess {about school} [RAVFthan I did {about writing*GerOP01.}] \-\What [MINJdo they think] I am anyway?!!!
     \-\Well,#Inj01 I wrote this weird story {about not getting*GerOP11 a good job} [RAVFif you didn't go {to school.}]
     \-\I sent it in a few weeks#NuA03 ago, \C\and just the other day#NuA04 I got a reply {in the mail.} \-\I had won first place! \-\I was so surprised!!=PV
     \-\Then there was this major change {in my life.} \-\Somehow, everybody found out {about it} \C\and I was {on T.V.,} {on the radio,} \C\and my principal gave a special recognition {for me} {at school.} \-\One day,#NuA02 a lady called me to get*INFAV15 reservations and stuff=CC {for that trip} {to Iowa} [RAVFI was telling you about.] \-\We were almost done chatting*GerDO01 [RAVFwhen she added, [RNDO"Oh,#Inj01 {by the way,} you were the only contestant."]] \-\Nobody ever found out!

For more about  this passage, see "Sample #2" in the KISS Workbooks for Grade Five, November 1st.