\-\One day#NuA02 me and my friend=CS were walking {on a mountain.} \-\We where cold \C\and the day was getting late. \-\[LAVFWhen we started to go*INFDO03 back] we could not find the path. \-\That was odd [RNDSthat the path was=PV gone.] \-\We started to look*INFDO03 around, \C\but we could not find a trace {of it.} \-\My friend started to panic.*INFDO02 \-\I could not find a thing. \-\We were lost, \C\but I knew how to get*INFAJ03 back. \-\I learned how to*INFAJ01{in boy scouts} \R\I took out my map, and found=CV out [RNDOwhere we were.] \-\We followed the trail \C\and we got home#NuA01 \-\[LAVFIf I was not brave,] we would have never gotten back. \-\We would still be up there now {with no food.} \-\Im glad [RAVFwe got home#NuA01 safe.] \-\I hope [RNDOwe never get lost=PV again.] |