KISS Printable Workbooks Statistics
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Cobweb Corner
Record Number: G06 # 16
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Golden Girls and Full House

      \-\Goldon Girls and full house=CS should not be takin=PV {of of the air} [LAVFbecause all my friends and family=CS like it.] \-\My friends, gram=CS and I=CS think [RNDOthat Super Market Sweep should come back {on air.}] \F\[RAVFbecause that was anther on {of our favorite shows}] \R\the reason [MAJFwhy I said [RNDOgoldon girls and full house=CS should stay {on the air}]] was [RNPNbecause they said [RNDOthat they were going to take goldon girls and full house=CC {off the air}]] \R\But people are writting alot {of letters} {about it} \C\and they said maby not. \-\Nobody would want to miss*INFDO07 goldon girls or full House [RAVFso {after all} their not taking it {off the air}] \C\and I am so happy [RAVFbecause their not taking it {off the air.}] \-\My gram is happy to \C\and so are my friends.
