KISS Printable Workbooks Statistics
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Cobweb Corner
Record Number: G06 # 17
[Scan, p.1; Scan, p.2]
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Kar's Cancer

      \-\"No," Kar thought [RAVFas she walked home#NuA01] \-\"'It' can't be true!" \-\She had just come {from her doctors,} [RAJFwhere she found out [RNDOshe had cancer.]] \-\Her doctor had told her [RNDOthat the cancer [MAJFshe had] was treatable {with a special kind} {of therapy.}] \-\He had also said [RNDOthe sooner they started the better.] \-\[LAVFWhen Kar got home#NuA01] her mother was waiting {for her.} \-\[LAVFWhen she saw the worried look {on Kar's face}] she said, [RNDO"Hi#Inj01 Kar,#DrA01 whats  wrong?"] \-\[RNDO"I ... um#Inj01 ... I#Inj01 a#Inj01 ... I#App01 have cancer"] she said choking*GiveR03 back tears. \-\"Oh#Inj01 my gosh" her mother gasped. \-\"Its treatable mom.#DrA01 \-\I'm starting therapy next week#NuA02 \R\[RNDOI'll be Ok."] she whispered \R\[LNDO"Well#Inj01 ok#Inj01 but {for now} go get*INFAV03 some rest,"] her mother replied. \-\Kar slowly walked upstairs and went=CV {to sleep.}

     \-\A week#NuA02 later she found herself laying#ADO11 {in a hospital bed} getting*GerNu05 ready to start*INFAV03 therapy. \-\"Ok#Inj01 Kar#DrA01 I'm going to give you some medicine to make*INFAV04 you sleep*INFDO02 [RAVFscince this is your first day {of therapy.}] \-\[RNDOYou just relax and be=CV brave,"] her doctor said \R\"Ok" she whispered.

     \-\{After about two months} {of therapy} her doctor called. \-\[LAVFWhen Kar got {off of the phone} {with him}] she was running {around the house} screaming,*GiveR05 [RNDO"Mom!#DrA01 Mom!#DrA01 It's gone] \R\I don't have cancer anymore!"

     \-\[LNDO"See Kar,"#Inj01] her mother said \R\"all [MAJFyou had to do] was be*INFPN02 brave, \C\and you did."
