Record Number: G06 # 20
Coded for Statistical Analysis |
Horse Sense
favorite show is "Horse Sense." \-\"Why?"
might you ask? \F\Because it is a funny
show. \-\And it has horses {in
it.} \-\And I like horses. \-\It
is {about two cousins.} \-\They
have to get along {with each other.} \-\Their
names are Andy and Matthew Lawrence.=CC
\-\Andy works {on
a farm.} \-\Matt is a rich guy
[RAJFwho lives {in
Washington D.C.}] \-\Matt has
to go work*INFAV04 {on
the farm} [RAVFbecause he got
{in trouble} {at his house}]
and [RAVFhe has to go {to
the farm} and help=CV them work.*INFDO02]
\-\Andy and his mom=CS are
going to lose the ranch [RAVFif Matt
doesn't help them get*INFDO03 money.]
\-\But Matt has no clue what to do.*INFAJ02 |
"[N]o clue what to do" would be analyzed as an
ellipsed prepositional phrase -- "no clue *about* what to do." The statistical
program has no codes for ellipsed prepositions, and I would not expect
students to get this until they are well into KISS Level 2, so I have not
counted it as a prepositional phrase. |