KISS Printable Workbooks Statistics
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Cobweb Corner
Record Number: G06 # 24
Coded for Statistical Analysis
The Summer of 2000

      \-\{In the summer} {of two thousand} something amazing#PPA01 happened but sad.#PPA02 \-\It all happened [RAVFwen my Uncle was building a deck.] \-\He needed som prefaconle help. \-\The holes needed cleaned out*INFDO04 and fild*INFDO04 {with concrete.} \-\We cleaned out the holes. \-\Now we needed to fill*INFDO03 them. \-\I was takeing the hose over {to the wheelbarrow} \C\and my cosend was walking over and thjot=CV {on the hose} and hit=CV her hed {on the welellbraol.} \-\She was cring \R\I saw the blood {on her had.} \-\My ant sad [RNDOshe hase to go {to the hoiselo.}] \-\We ran {to the house} \R\my aunt sad rite {in the car} \C\but my 3 year old course was lising. \-\I cind {in the car.} \-\He wan't {in the close car set.} \-\I hat him \R\he got in. \-\We are go {to the holsel.}
