My Family
brother is 15 years#NuA02 old \R\Hes
{in high school.} \-\He
goes {to vo-tech} out Brownstown. \-\My
mom is 41 years#NuA02 old. \-\She
works {in reding.} \-\She
works {with computers.} \-\My
dad is 51 years#NuA02 old \-\He
works {at home} {in his own privite office.}
\-\He works {for the fire company.}
\-\The place [MAJFwere
he gets his paper work] is the fire
hall. \-\He has Buckwalter {for
Supervisor} signs [RAJFthat
he puts out {in the front yard.}]
\-\He also makes canpain letters. \-\Then
he puts the letters {in envolopes.} \-\Then
he mails the envelopes {to ever house.} |