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Record Number: G08 SS # 2
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Statistics: Table of Contents
(from the 2001 Arizona State Standards)

    \-\[LNDO"Come on,] [LNDOhurry up Stacey,"#DrA01] I yelled. \-\Stacey yelled back [RNDOthat she was coming.] \-\It was Christmas time 1988,#NuA01 \,\Stacey and I=CS were loading gifts {into the cars.} \-\We were almost ready to leave*INFAV04 {for Woodburn} and deliver*INFAV04 the gifts.
     \-\{At last} we had arrived {at the church} [RAJFwhere the children were.] \-\My mother asked [RNDOif Stacey and I=CS would come help*INFAV04 {with the presents.}] \-\We got the bags {of presents} and took=CV them {into the church} \R\all the little children were waiting {for us.}
     \-\First we had all the children sit*INFDO05 down [RAVFso we could give them thier gifts.] \-\[LAVFAs they opened the gifts] the childrens eyes lite up. \-\I had never seen a child*INFDE09 so thankful {for a coat or boots,} \,\then I started to realize*INFDO12 [RNDOhow lucky I was {for all the clothes} [RAJFI had.]] \-\I was holding a little three year old girl, [RAJFwho had recieved a doll [RAJFthat made her*INFDE03 really happy.]] \-\We had our pictures*INFDE03 taken and put*INFDE05 {in the newspaper.} \-\[LAVFAfter every child had opened thier gifts,] it was time {for us} to go*INFAJ03 home.#NuA01
     \-\This was an experience [RAJFI will never forget.] \-\Seeing*GerSU06 the childrens faces lite*INFDO05 up is something [RAJFI can't explain.] \-\I loved doing*GerDO02 that \C\and I would do it again {for sure.}

For more about  this passage, see "Sample #2" in the KISS Workbooks for Grade Eight, November 1st.