KISS Grammar Game
The Biology Edition
Notes to the Answer Keys
A Note on Level 2:
Because this project required so much more time than I expected,
I did not create the graphic answer keys for Level 2. I have, however,
left the notes for them in this section. The percentage count in Level
2 includes only "additional" adjectives, adverbs, and coordinating conjunctions,
i.e., those that are not already chunked in prepositional phrases.
Round 1
"In wartime" should be considered correct if it is taken to bullets
and swords and bombs." In effect, the phrase is part of the partially ellipsed
clause "which were combined in wartime," and the phrase goes to the verb
"were combined." Because they have not yet dealt with clauses, much less
reduced clauses, students should be allowed to connect the phrase to the
At this level, I would accept "than all"
as a prepositional phrase. [See Level 3, below.]
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
Suggestion: if students ask if "combined" is a verb, tell them "Yes,"
but it functions as an adjective. They will learn about that later.
Don't expect students who are just beginning their
work on S/V/C patterns to get "all" as a subject or its ellipsed verb "used
to kill." If a player offers "lice used to kill" as the last S/V/C
pattern, I would accept the answer for a bonus point. If someone thereafter
offers "all ...*used to kill*" as an additional S/V pattern, I would award
a bonus point, explain that the construction is advanced, and move on.
At the other end,
with students who have been working with the patterns for a while, you
might want to discuss the differences in considering "than" as a preposition
or as a subordinate conjunction. [For
more on this, click here.]
Level 4 --
Clauses: Subordinate and Main
The ellipsis makes this a tough one for Round 1, but so go the fortunes
of a game. The restored ellipsis is something like: "more than all of the
bullets and swords and bombs combined in wartime killed people."
Round 5
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
Most students are unlikely to see "likely" as an adjective modifying
"most." Don't expect them to. It's on the answer key in case someone does.
The others will get it when they deal with S/V/C patterns.
Round 6
We can consider "tend to neglect" as the finite verb, comparable to
such verbs as "have to go." In both cases, however, the verb phrase can
be further analyzed into a basic verb ("tend," "have") plus an infinitive
which functions as its direct object. This will be the analysis in Level
5. Students should be allowed to analyze such constructions in the way
that makes most sense to them.
Level 5
-- Verbals: Gerunds, Gerundives, & Infinitives
The infinitive "to neglect" is the direct object of "tend," and "systems"
is the direct object of the infinitive.
Round 8
"At first," in Level 1, is considered an adverb to "be," because it
tells when it would be harmless. In Level 6, it is reconsidered
as an interjection because it is parentheses.
Most students will probably consider "to humans" as chunking to "harmless,"
but it can also correctly be connected to "be" and seen as limiting the
predication "DDT could be harmless" to the group "humans."
Level 5
-- Verbals: Gerunds, Gerundives, & Infinitives
"DDT" is a Retained Direct Object, covered in Level 6. If, before we
get to Level 6, a student calls it a Direct Object, I simply accept the
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
Because it analyzes sentences from randomly chosen real texts, the KISS
approach often hits grammatical questions that are glossed over in traditional
approaches. Depending on the mood and ability of the class, I too may gloss
over them, but if the class is doing well and is interested, we discuss
them. In Level 1, I chunked "at first" to "be," ignoring the parentheses
of Dr. Evans. When they are working at that level, that will be the least
confusing thing for students to do. But the parentheses around "at first,
anyway" make the entire phrase an interjection.
Round 11
Students will have problems, at this level, with "allowed them to destroy."
Note that is allowed is the destruction. In Level 5, when they deal with
infinitives, this construction will become clearer.
Round 13
Level 5
-- Verbals: Gerunds, Gerundives, & Infinitives
The "to" in "to be able" remains uncounted because the function of the
"to be able" infinitive has not been established. (See Level 6.)
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
The Delayed Subject results from the "it,": "To be able to do this thing
was absolutely useless." Note how in the transformation to the delayed
subject structure, the direct object of "do," i.e., "thing," becomes a
predicate noun. Note the necessity of the delayed subject in this case.
Without it we have: "The reason this ability was rare is that until DDT
had been invented, to be able to do this thing was absolutely useless."
Readers, however, would interpret "to be able to do..." as adverbial to
"had been invented," which is not what is meant. The Delayed Subject construction,
however, starts with the initial "it," which refers to "ability," thereby
separating "invented" from "to be able to do."
Round 14
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
If a student proposes "Naturally" as an adverb, it's up to the teacher
to decide whether or not to award points. In effect, "naturally" functions
as an interjection, and is so explained in Level 6. At Level 2 (if it is
proposed as an adverb), the question is -- What does it modify? The "hosing
down" was certainly not natural; nor were the deaths of the lice.
"Hosing down" means "spraying," so "down" is considered part of the
verb phrase.
"Again" can also be taken to "able." I tend to read "again" as affecting
the predication, "people were able," which is based on the verb. But everyone
does not chunk in exactly the same way, and chunking to "able" has a negligible
effect on the meaning here.
Although "hosing" is underlined as a finite verb, and thus "explained,"
it is counted as among the unexplained because in Level 5 it will be discussed
as a gerund, DO of "started."
Level 5
-- Verbals: Gerunds, Gerundives, & Infinitives
At this level, "hosing down" can be considered the direct object of
"started," and "everyone" becomes the direct object of "hosing down." Note
that the double lines under "hosing" and "down" have been removed. I try
to get students to analyze it one way or the other, but not both.
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
If a student claimed that "naturally" functions as an adverb, and if
no one in the class raised a question, I would probably accept the answer
and move on. Too much class time can be wasted on such questions (marks
on the bark on the trees that hide the forest). But sometimes looking at
marks on bark is nice for a change of pace. To me, "naturally" is here
an interjection because there is no word in the sentence to which it chunks
as an adverb. The "hosing down" is certainly not "natural," especially
when done with DDT. Nor is the death of the lice -- from an artificial
chemical. It could be argued that the inability of typhus to easily spread
is natural, but that idea is in a different main clause. Thus, the simplest
explanation for "naturally" is as an interjection, comparable to "of course."
Round 16
KISS Grammar ignores the traditional expletive it and expletive
there. There is no reason for these constructions, and most students
find such sentences more easily understood as simply S/V/PN patterns. (Because,
in a S/V/PN pattern, the PN must equal the subject, the verb agrees in
number with the PN.)
Round 17
Although one could argue that "in cities" modifies "disruptions," and
thus some teachers might want to accept this answer as also correct, the
disruptions were not in the cities until after they were "produced" there.
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
"However" is technically a conjunctive adverb, i.e., both a conjunction
and an adverb. One could also argue that it functions as an interjection.
OCCASIONALLY, it is interesting and rewarding to get a class tied up in
a discussion of a topic such as this one. Doing so too often, however,
results in the class never getting to see the bigger picture. In most cases,
the teacher should quickly decide how it should count, and then move on.
Round 18
At this level, "to prevent" and "to apply" are considered as part of
the finite verbs, but they are in clue because at Level 5 they will be
reexamined as infinitives.
Round 19
"At the time" could be taken to "amazement," but the sentence means
that the people "at the time" were amazed. [I would not consider "amazement"
an incorrect answer, but I would have the class discuss it, should it arise.]
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
One can, if one wishes, get into a discussion of possessive nouns and
pronouns ("everyone's") and how they function as adjectives. Because KISS
Grammar focusses on function, in the game,they are simply treated as adjectives.
Round 20
When they ask the question "at what?" most of my students would respond
"at killing the germs." Teachers should, however, accept "at killing as
a correct answer. If the question arises, simply say that later they will
learn how "killing" is a gerund and "gerns" is its object.
"Of course" functions as an interjection. Teachers may want to introduce
this construction briefly here, but I would simply point out that it is
one and that they will study interjections later.
"But ... not the lice" is also a direct object of "killing," and
thus, technically, part of the prepositional phrase, but with students
working at level one, I would not even call this to their attention.
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
"Fortunately" could be considered an adverb to "proved," but to me it
rings more as an interjection indicating the writer's attitude toward the
content of the predication.
Ellipsed structures can often be reconstructed in several different
ways. In this case, on the simplest level, the "but" joins "germs" and
"lice." --"at killing the germs ... but ... not the lice." But the ellipsis
can be expanded further -- "Certain antibiotics proved useful at killing
the germs ..., but they proved not useful at killing the lice." [This is
why, in the answer key, I have "not" chunking to "useful."] I strongly
suggest not spending a lot of time on "but" and "not" when working at Level
2. The complex embedding involved is probably beyond most students' grasp.
Should questions arise, give a quick response and tell them that such cases
will become clearer when they get to level 5.
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
I would accept explaining "fortunately" as an adverb, going to "proved,"
but its initial position in the sentence moves me to view it as an interjection.
The "of course," on the other hand, has to function as an interjection
because there is no word or construction to which it chunks.
Round 22
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
For the sake of simplicity, the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) Grammar
Game treats all adjectives as chunking to the head noun in a phrase. Semantically,
of course, this is not the case. In this sentence, "human" does not modify
"species"; it modifies "body lice species." Similarly, "body" does not
modify "species"; it modifies "lice species." Within the answer keys, I
have tried to remember to indicate this by using a single arrow with multiple
"feathers." At some point, this phrasal relationship should be pointed
out to students, and, if a teacher wishes, points could be awarded only
if the modifier is taken to the complete phrase modified, rather than just
to the head noun. [This may, however, become cumbersome and more trouble
than it is worth.]
Round 23
"About" is not a preposition, but rather part of "brought about," which
means "made," "created," or "done."
In Level 6, "evolution" is reconsidered as a Retained Diret Object.
Level 5
-- Verbals: Gerunds, Gerundives, & Infinitives
One could also take "brought about" to "type."
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
More is involved here than just a retained direct object. "This type
is called evolution" is the passive form of "They call this type evolution."
In the latter, "type" is the subject, and "evolution" is the predicate
noun, to a (logically) ellipsed infinitive "to be." The infinitive phrase
is the DO of "call." When this sentence is transformed to passive, "type"
becomes the subject, and "evolution," the PN after the ellipsed infinitive,
is retained, but retained in the function of the entire infinitive phrase,
i.e., as DO.
Round 24
"To you" can also be taken to "good." Taking it to "is," however, reinforces
the basic S/V/C logic. In this case, the predication (based in the verb
"is") is being limited "to you."
The S / V / PN pattern is reversed to PN / V / S because it is a question.
Round 25
The "it" is implied. In the KISS approach, ellipsed words such as this,
when written in, are set off by asterisks.
Level 4 --
Clauses: Subordinate and Main
Instead of being considered as adverbial to "have become," the subordinate
clause could be considered an interjection, but interjections are covered
at Level 6.
Round 27
Should a student take either or both of the prepositional phrases to
the verb "is," I would accept the answers as correct. Logically, they tell
"for whom" and "when" X is Y (protection is remedies). Psycholinguistically,
however, the brain will chunk them as soon as possible, and thus, for most
readers, have the two phrases chunked to "protection" before the reader
hits "is."
Level 4 --
Clauses: Subordinate and Main
The function of the first "that" clause (Delayed Subject) is part of
Level 6.
The second "that" clause could be considered as ending at "sanitation,"
with "thoughtfulness, cleanliness, and sanitation" then becoming appositives
to "work," rather than to "remedies." But thoughtfulness, cleanliness,
and sanitation "take work," but are not really equal to work (which is
what is implied by using the appositive to "work."
Round 28
The prevention is going on "now," but I would not consider it incorrect
if someone wanted to take "in the future" to "prevent." I would, however,
like to hear the reasons.
In "look for circumstance," "look for" can be considered a verb (i.e.,
"seek"), but in playing the game, someone will want the points for the
prepositional phrase. [I always consider either answer correct.]
"Trash" is part of the preceding prepositional phrase ("such as standing
water ... and trash"), but at this level, I would not expect students to
see this.
Level 2 -- Adjectives, Adverbs, and Coordinating
Words such as "standing" are dealt with again (as gerundives) in Level
5. In many cases, however, students have little, if any trouble seeing
them as adjectives. In such cases, I have so marked them.
This is a good level at which to point out that "trash" is part of
the prepositional phrase. (See Level 1, above.) [My students would mark
this as "(*such as* trash)," i.e., they would write in the preposition,
with asterisks to indicate that it was ellipsed, and then put parentheses
around the phrase.]
Students will recognize "encourages" as a finite verb, but, of course,
have problems finding its subject (which is why it remains among the uncounted).
Level 4 --
Clauses: Subordinate and Main
The main clauses that begin with "eat," "wash," and "look" can also
be considered as appositives to "things," i.e., they are the "simple things
you can do." Note too, Dr. Evans' colon -- these main clauses give more
detailed examples of the preceding main clause.
Level 6
-- Eight Additional Constructions
"Day" is a noun used as an adverb.
A fifty-four word sentence is not easy to read, even if it is separated
into four main clauses. The writer's parentheses around the two appositive
phrases (which could also be considered as interjections), both simlify
and clarify. The appositives are reductions of subordinate clauses. Imagine
that last main clause as: "look for circumstances around the home that
can encourage pestilence such as standing water, which encourages disease-carrying
mosquitoes and trash which is a home for rats and mice." If it had been
written this way, the reader would have read "trash" as a direct object
of "encourages."
For Additional
Discussions of Style and/or Logic
General Discussion:
Prepositional Phrases, Examples, and Details
(Level 1+)
Dr. Evans wrote this
essay as a contribution to this grammar project. He had been asked to submit
a piece on science which he thought would be of interest to middle and
high school students. After giving it to me, he noted that he had worried
that it was too long for what I had wanted. One of the things that I suspect
that he cut was examples. Ask students to identify two places in the text
where they would like more examples. Then ask them to use their imaginations
to revise and or write additional sentences which would supply those examples.
For example, sentence eighteen might be followed by: "DDT was carried around
the town in cannisters which looked like fire extinguishers. The hose was
inserted in people's shirts, pants, etc., and the DDT was pumped into the
clothing such that clouds of it emerged from the other end of shirt arms
and pant legs."
In the original version
of this text, 28% of the words are in prepositional phrases. Ask students
to calculate how theses revisions affected that number.
Rhetorical Questions, Tone, and Audience (Level
4 +)
Rhetorical questions
are questions posed by a speaker or writer and then answered by the speaker
or writer. Dr. Evans uses rhetorical questions in sentences two, seven,
and twenty-four. Use the "Text in Separate Pages" to have students
revise the essay to eliminate the rhetorical questions. To do so, they
will probably want to combine sentences. For example,
Such small insects can do so much damage because
they spread a germ that causes typhus, a very serious human illness that
produces a rash, fever, and death.
After the three rhetorical questions have been
revised out of the text, ask students to compare it to the original. In
what way(s) do the rhetorical questions affect the tone? What do rhetorical
quesitons suggest about the writer's attitude toward his audience?
The KISS Grammar Game
does not deal with passive voice in any detail, but if you are working
with your students on it, this edition should provide a good text for discussion.
Have students attempt to revise rounds 12, 15, and 23 to make the main
verbs active, and then discuss their attempts.
On Specific Sentences:
Round 11 (Level 3+)
Revise the sentence to make "characteristic"
the subject. Does this revision affect the focus of the sentence and/or
Round 13 (Level 4+)
The main S/V/C pattern of this sentence claims
to give a reason for the rarity of a characteristic. Is the reason provided
satisfactory, or does it require more explanation? (This question should
lead into a discussion of audience. People who understand the basic theory
of evolution will probably consider the reason given as satisfactory; those
who don't, won't.)
Round 15 (Level 4+)
The three main clauses in this sentence are
not separated by commas. Should they be? Or is the sentence perfectly understandable
as it is?
Round 25 (Level 1+)
Many English teachers would claim that there
should be a comma before, as well as after, "in their turn." Explain the
reasoning of these teachers to your students, and then have the students
discuss the question. Do THEY consider the omission of the comma to be
a significant error?
Round 28 (Level 4+)
With four main clauses, this sentence is very
long. Have students revise it, making it four separate sentences. Then
have them discuss the differences in the two versions. Ask for a vote (by
show of hands) as to which version is better. [Generally speaking, younger,
less experienced writers prefer shorter sentences, but older, more experienced
writers find such short sentences childish -- and would therefore prefer
the compounds. Thus the writer often must struggle to define and address
his audience.
In this sentence,
however, there is still another factor that affects these compounds. Note
that the four main clauses develop the three appositives ("thoughtfulness,
cleanliness, and sanitation") from the end of the preceding sentence. The
first main clause develops the idea of "thoughtfulness", the next two develop
"cleanliness," and the fourth involves "sanitation."