An Outline of
Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
(1-2) I. Introduction - A general statement of the problem
(3-7) II. Advantages of the proposal
A. Make one-year olds an asset instead of a liability
B. Prevent abortions
C. Number of people/children involved
D. Children are not saleable at age twelve
(8-19 III. Proposal
A. Direct statement of proposal - eat one-year-olds
B. Details
1. Numbers and use
2. Weight of children
3. Expense
4. Availability
5. Advantages to parents
6. Use of skins
7. Applied to Dublin
C. Digression on older children and the poor
1. Children to age fourteen
2. The poor, aged, diseased, or maimed
IV. Details of Advantages
A. # 1- Lessen the number of Papists [Catholics]
B. # 2- Give the poor someting of value
C. # 3- Financial & culinary
D. # 4- Eliminate parenrs' need to support children
E. # 5- Advantages to taverns
F. # 6- Promote marriage
G. Additional advantages
H. Distribution of carcasses
(29-30) V. Possible Objections
VI. Conclusion
A. Source of idea
B. Two challenges to opponents
C. No personal interest