Pennsylvania College of Technology 
Williamsport, PA
ENL 111 (Vavra) 
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Exercise # 5 on Organization
       Study the following thesis and outline which was submitted for an assignment on writing in a career field. In two or three sentences, explain what is wrong with it. Then revise the outline. (You may also revise the thesis.)

I. Intro & Thesis: Culinary Arts appears as a profession that doesn't use much writing skills. Through the years this undying occupation has proved that culinary is more than just cooking, but has an excellent track record for the craft of writing.

II. Influential People [This section discusses culinary artists who have written books. EV]

    A. Careme
    B. Escoffier and Point
III. Writing Skills in the Culinary Arts Field
A. Importance of writing
1. Cookbooks
2. Records
B. Communication
3. Through Cookbooks
4. E-mail and memos
IV. Professional Writing
A. Cookbooks, records, history
B. Understanding in Different Cultures
C. Purchasing
V. Students' Writing Ability
A. Assignments, quizzes, tests
B. Critiques

VI. Writing Ability Affecting Grade

A. Basic Sentence Structure
B. Communication
VII. Conclusion