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Fallacies Explained

A fallacy is a gap, or misalignment, 
between a conclusion and a reason offered to support it.

The following material is adapted from:
"Stephen’s Guide to the Logical Fallacies"
downloaded on May 23, 1996
I wish to express my appreciation to Professor Downes
for making this material available.


      The point of an argument is to give reasons in support of some conclusion. An argument commits a fallacy when the reasons offered do not, in fact, support the conclusion.

Each fallacy is described in the following format:

Name: this is the generally accepted name of the fallacy
Definition: the fallacy is defined
Examples: examples of the fallacy are given
Proof: the steps needed to prove that the fallacy is committed

Fallacies of Distraction

      Each of these fallacies is characterized by the illegitimate use of a logical operator in order to distract the reader from the apparent falsity of a certain proposition.

False Dilemma

Argument From Ignorance( argumentum ad ignorantiam ) Slippery Slope Complex Question
Appeals to Motives in Place of Support

      The fallacies in this section have in common the practice of appealing to emotions or other psychological factors. In this way, they do not provide reasons for belief.

Appeal to Force ( argumentum ad baculum )

Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misercordiam ) Appeal to Consequences( argumentum ad consequentiam ) Prejudicial Language Appeal to Popularity (argumentum ad populum )
Changing the Subject

      The fallacies in this section change the subject by discussing the person making the argument instead of discussing reasons to believe or disbelieve the conclusion. While on some occasions it is useful to cite authorities, it is almost never appropriate to discuss the person instead of the argument.

Attacking the Person ( argumentum ad hominem )

Appeal to Authority( argumentum ad verecundiam ) [Click here for more explanation.] Anonymous Authorities Style Over Substance
Inductive Fallacies

      Inductive reasoning consists on inferring from the properties of a sample to the properties of a population as a whole. For example, suppose we have a barrel containing of 1,000 beans. Some of the beans are black and some of the beans are white. Suppose now we take a sample of 100 beans from the barrel and that 50 of them are white and 50 of them are black. Then we could infer inductively that half the beans in the barrel (that is, 500 of them) are black and half are white. All inductive reasoning depends on the similarity of the sample and the population. The more similar the sample is to the population as a whole, the more reliable will be the inductive inference. On the other hand, if the sample is relevantly dissimilar to the population, then the inductive inference will be unreliable. No inductive inference is perfect. That means that any inductive inference can sometimes fail. Even though the premises are true, the conclusion might be false. Nonetheless, a good inductive inference gives us a reason to believe that the conclusion is probably true.

Hasty Generalization

Unrepresentative Sample False Analogy Slothful Induction Fallacy of Exclusion
Fallacies Involving Statistical Syllogisms

      A statistical generalization is a statement which is usually true, but not always true. Very often these are expressed using the word "most", as in "Most conservatives favour welfare cuts." Sometimes the word "generally" is used, as in "Conservatives generally favour welfare cuts." Or, sometimes, no specific word is used at all, as in: "Conservatives favour welfare cuts." Fallacies involving statistical generalizations occur because the generalization is not always true. Thus, when an author treats a statistical generalization as though it were always true, the author commits a fallacy.


Converse Accident
Causal Fallacies

       It is common for arguments to conclude that one thing causes another. But the relation between cause and effect is a complex one. It is easy to make a mistake. In general, we say that a cause C is the cause of an effect E if and only if: (i) Generally, if C occurs, then E will occur, and (ii) Generally, if C does not occur, then E will not occur either. We say "generally" because there are always exceptions. For example: We say that striking the match causes the match to light, because: (i) Generally, when the match is struck, it lights (except when the match is dunked in water), and (ii) Generally, when the match is not struck, it does not light (except when it is lit with a blowtorch). Many writers also require that a causal statement be supported with a natural law. For example, the statement that "striking the match causes it to light" is supported by the principle that "friction produces heat, and heat produces fire".

Coincidental Correlation ( post hoc ergo prompter hoc )

Joint Effect Genuine but Insignificant Cause Wrong Direction Complex Cause
Missing the Point

      These fallacies have in common a general failure to prove that the conclusion is true.

Begging the Question (petitio principii)

Irrelevant Conclusion ( ignoratio elenchi ) Straw Man
Fallacies of Ambiguity

      The fallacies in this section are all cases where a word or phrase is used unclearly. There are two ways in which this can occur. (i) The word or phrase may be ambiguous, in which case it has more than one distinct meaning. (ii) The word or phrase may be vague, in which case it has no distinct meaning.


Amphiboly Accent
Category Errors

      These fallacies occur because the author mistakenly assumes that the whole is nothing more than the sum of its parts. However, things joined together may have different properties as a whole than any of them do separately.



      The term non sequitur literally means "it does not follow". In this section we describe fallacies which occur as a consequence of invalid arguments.

Affirming the Consequent

Denying the Antecedent Inconsistency
The Logical Fallacies: References by Stephen Downes Assiniboine Community College, 1430 Victoria Ave. East, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 2A9.
downes@adminnet.assiniboinec.mb.ca 25 May 1995 [This link is no longer valid.]

Links to Explore:

[Fallacies Menu]