Assignments for Week # 14 |
ENL 121 (Vavra) |
An education isn't how much you have committed to memory,
or even how much you know.
It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you
-- Anatole France
The links in the left column will not work for you. They take me to my
class notes.:)
Please don't click on the butterfly.
Due |
In-class |
You are encouraged to bring written, relevant questions about assignments
to class. Simply leave them on my desk, with or without your name, before
class starts. |
Apr. 10/11
W14A |
Be prepared to take Cornell Notes.
1. Do Assignment # 7 on Bellamy's
2. Bring a tentative Works Cited for MP #3. |
Collect Cornell Notes?
Collect the Works Cited
Discussion |
Apr. 12/13
W14B |
Be prepared to take Cornell Notes.
1. In Writing about Literature,
review the Additional Concepts for Poetry. [These should be on pages 32-36.]
2. Study John Donne's "A Valediction
Forbidding Mourning"
3. Study the assignment for MP # 4. |
Collect Cornell Notes?
Discuss MP # 4
Discussion "Valediction" |
If you are having trouble with the course, please see me during office
hours (or make an appointment). I can't help you unless you talk to me. |
I went to our local butcher's last week and asked
for two pounds of bacon."We only sell kilos here sir" said the butcher.
"Okay" I replied "I'll have two pounds of kilos then." |