An Engineer in Hell

     An engineer dies and goes to hell. Satan is thrilled to have her and puts her right to work. A few weeks later, Satan gets a call from St. Peter up at the pearly gates. Let's listen in on their conversation:

     St. Peter: "Lucifer! Do you have Sarah Williams, the engineer, soc. sec. #097-54-3375 down there? I need you to send her back; someone made a clerical error and she's supposed to be here in heaven."

     Satan: "Send her back? Are you crazy? Last week she put in air conditioning, this week she's designing a swimming pool for the executive suite, you can't have her back! I want to keep her!"

     "But you don't deserve her! She was GOOD! She is supposed to be here!"

     "Forget you, man, I'm the devil, I don't have to listen to you!"

     "Listen, you. If you don't send her back to heaven right now, I'll sue. So help me, I'll sue!"

     "Oh yeah? Where you gonna get a lawyer?"