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Cobweb Corner

The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N02
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Statistics: Table of Contents
      \-\My family has seven people {in it.} \F\First my dad then my mom then my oldest sister  Cyndee#App01 and then me and Crystal, Tara, and Amanda\,\they're my youngest sisters. \-\My dad is 30 years#NuA02 old and is=CV a chef.  \-\My mom is 28 and doesn't=CV work. \-\My oldest sister is 12 \R\she's {in 7th grade} \R\she's a brat.  \-\I'm 9 \C\and I'm {in the 4th grade.}  \-\My young sister is 7 and {in 2nd grade.}=CC\-\My other young sister is 2.  \-\And the other is 3 months#NuA02 old. \-\Eddie, my dad,#App02 Tara,=CS Mom=CS Crystal,=CS and amanda=CS have brown hair.  \-\Me and Cyndee=CS have blond hair.  \-\My, Cyndee,=CS Crystal,=CS and mom=CS have brown eyes.  \-\Eddi, Tara,=CS and Amanda=CS have blue eyes.  \-\I live {in a brick hous} {on fox Dr.} \-\There are three rooms living room,#App02 kitchen,#App01 and bathroom.#App02 \-\There are four bedrooms. \-\I share a bedroom {with my sister} Cyndee.#App01 \-\I have a basement {with a workshop laundry room and famly room.}  \-\I have a back yard {with a hammock and clothes line and an ugly evergreen bush.}  \-\And {in my front yard} I have some flowers and bushes.=CC\-\My house has 13 windows and 3 doors.=CC\F\Only one bathroom \C\and that's bad!
     \-\The worst day {in my life} was [RAVFwhen I was tired] and [RAVFwe had to walk all day#NuA02 {at the zoo.} \-\We saw the Monkeys, Zebras,=CC prarie dogs,=CC lions,=CC tigers,=CC reptiles,=CC birds,=CC and seals.=CC\-\Then we ate pizza \C\and I saw a elephant, giraffe.=CC\-\I was eight \C\and I didn't like going*GerDO04{to the zoo.} \-\and I got to see the baby hippos \C\and I don't like im.  \-\We also got to ride the metro \C\and it really went fast. \-\It made a stop every 12 secounds#NuA03 \C\and more and more and more and more people got on \C\and I kept on falling down, [RAVFBecause I had to stand [RAVFbecause there was=SV too many people {on the metro.}]]
