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Cobweb Corner

The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N03
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Statistics: Table of Contents
     \-\The worst Day {of my life} is [RAVFWhen I had a birthday] and [RNPNMy Sister seemed to be the birthday girl.] \-\I know [RNDOthis isn't very bad] \C\but I can't think {of anything} [RAJFthat was worst]\R\now I will finish my story. \-\So me and my friend=CS Went upstairs and put together=CV my present [RAJFthat I got {from dad}]\-\My dad and mom=CS helped me put together my present. \-\[LAVFAfter everybody went home] I was mad {at my sister} \C\but I got {over it}  \-\My house is brick {at the bottom} and yellow=CC {at the top}  \-\We live {at 1302 Wxxxxxx Ave.}  \-\My house has two floors.  \-\We have a hill {around my house.} \-\We have two living rooms, three bedrooms,=CC two bathrooms,=CC and a kitchen.=CC \-\We have eight rooms {in our house} \-\We have two t.v {in my house.}  \-\I like my house very much.
