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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N08
Coded for Statistical Analysis
Statistics: Table of Contents
      \-\My saddest day [MAJFI ever had] is [RAVFwhen My dog got hit=PV{by a car.}] \-\It happened [RAVFwhen I was playing ball.]\-\It was {at night}[RNDSwhen Fracles got hit.=PV]\-\Fracles broke lose, and ran=CV down to go*INFAV06 {to the apple trees.} \-\And he got hit=PV[RAVFwhen he was crossing the road.] \-\And [LNSUwhoevery hit Fracles] did not stop. \-\And then a man saw him laying#ADO05 {by the road.} \-\He saw my playing#ADO03 ball and yelled=CV up {to my} and said=CV[RNDOis this your dog.]\-\And I ran {down the driveway} \C\and I said Yes. \-\And I told dad. \-\And I was crying.
     \-\I feel good today. \-\But my arms don't feel too well. \-\You see [RNDOI fell {out of the tree} last night.#NuA02]\-\My foot sliped \C\and I fell. \-\It didn't feel very good. \-\But I didn't cry. \-\But [LAVFwhen I had the car wrick] I didn't cry ether. \-\I feel good today. \-\But my eye hurts. \-\I can't see very well. \-\I was {at the brandi's} \C\and my eye was getting pinked.=PV \-\And {in the morning} [LAJFwhen I woke up] it got stuck.=PV\-\I had to pull it*INFDE02 open
     \-\My best friend is Stephany. \-\I don't now why \C\but I just like to play*INFDO04 {with her.} \-\Will#Inj01 seeNote#1 [RNDOI liked every {sinse third grade.}] \-\I just think [RNDOshe is fun to play*INFAV03 with.]\F\[RINJLike I said before!
     \-\The goodest day [MAJFI every had] was [RNPNwhen I came {to Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx}] \R\I like ths school very much. \-\It is a good school. \-\I like my teacher the best#NuA02 \R\she is very nice and pretty=CC and slim=CC very pretty#App02 and SLIM!#App02


1. One could count "Well see" as a subordinate clause functioning as an interjection, and "I liked [her] every sinse third grade" as the main clause.