Last updated June 3, 1999

Noting Progress

     Your goal is to be able to explain how every word in any English sentence is syntactically related to the subject and verb of a main clause. We can fairly easily estimate your progress toward that goal by calculating the total number of words in a passage that you can explain as a percentage of the total number of words in that passage. Suppose, for example, that a passage has five words: "She was in a hurry." If you know that "She" is the main subject, and that "was" is the main verb, then you can explain two of the five words, or 2/5 = 40%. Or suppose that you did not know that "She" is the subject, or that "was" is the main verb, but you knew that "in a hurry" is a prepositional phrase that modifies "was." Then you would be able to explain three of the five words, or 60%. At the bottom of each answer key, you will find a table which estimates the progress you have made if you got everything correct.

       Because we will start with prepositional phrases, the table for Level One looks like this:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25

This table would mean that there are 40 words in the passage. Ten are in prepositional phrases, so 10/40 = 25%. Coordinating conjunctions  -- "and," "or," and "but" -- will be counted in this total if they join prepositional phrases, such as "{in the air} and {on the sea.}"

     Although we are not really concerned with normal adjectives and adverbs, I have added a set of Answer Keys after Level One to indicate (and comment on) the number of such words. On these keys, the tables look like this:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 19 73

This table means that simple adjectives and adverbs account for nineteen additional words, so you are now at 29/40 or 73% of the goal. (Coordinating conjunctions  -- "and," "or," and "but" -- will be counted in this total if they join simple adjectives or adverbs, such as "the long and winding road.") The yellow background indicates that you have reach the half-way point.

     In Level Two, we will add the words in any subject, finite verb, and/or complement position:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 19 73
+ L2: S / V / C 7 90

This indicates that you have reached 90%  (36/40) of the goal. The green background means that you are now more than 75% of the way.

     Although clauses are very important, Level Three only adds a few conjunctions to the wordcount:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 19 73
+ L2: S / V / C 7 90
+ L3: Clauses 2 95

In some passages, you may be surprised to find yourself at 100% in Level Three, but for our passageless example, we'll add a verbal at Level Four:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 19 73
+ L2: S / V / C 7 90
+ L3: Clauses 2 95
+ L4: Verbals 1 98

Extremely rare will be the passage in which you have not reached 100% at the end of Level Five:

Total Words = 40 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  10  25
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 19 73
+ L2: S / V / C 7 90
+ L3: Clauses 2 95
+ L4: Verbals 1 98
+ L5: The Eight Others 1 100

My example may be a little optimistic, but you'll soon be able to see for yourself.

This border is a reproduction of

Winslow Homer's
Canoe in the Rapids
1897, Watercolor on paper
 Jim's Fine Art Collection

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[For educational use only]