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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N03

Level Three: Add Clauses

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     Subordinate clauses are in brackets [ ]. / represents the vertical line at the end of a main clause.  The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. The color codes for adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases have been deleted because too many colors seemed distracting. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black..

     The worst Day {of my life} is [Adv to "is" Note When  I had

a birthday] and [PN to "day" Note #1 My Sister seemed to be

the birthday girl.] / I know [DO of "know" this isn't very bad] /

but I can't think {of anything}[Adj to "anything" that was worst] /

now I will finish my story. / So me and my friend Went upstairs

and put together my present [Adj to "present" that I got {from 

dad}] / My dad and mom helped me put together my present. /

[Adv to "was" After everybody went home] I was mad {at my 

sister} / but I got {over it} /

     My house is brick {at the bottom}and yellow {at the 

top} / We live {at 1302 Wxxxxxx Ave.} / My house has two

floors. / We have a hill {around my house.} / We have two living 

rooms, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. /

We have eight rooms {in our house} / We have two t.v  {in my 

house.} / I like my house very much. /


1. An equal argument could probably be made for considering this a main clause.

Total Words = 146 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  31  21
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 31 42
L2: + S / V / C 75 94
L3: + Clauses 6 98

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