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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N08

Level Three: Add Clauses

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      Subordinate clauses are in brackets [ ]. / represents the vertical line at the end of a main clause.  The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. The color codes for adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases have been deleted because too many colors seemed distracting. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black. 

     My saddest day [Adj to "day" I ever had] is [Adv to "is" 

when Note My dog got hit {by a car.} / It happened [Adv to  

"happened" when I was playing ball. / It was {at night} [Adv 

to "was" Note #1 when Fracles got hit. / Fracles broke lose

and ran down to go {to the apple trees.} / And he got hit [Adv

to "got hit"  when he was crossing the road. / And [Subject

of "did stop" whoevery hit Fracles] did not stop.  / And then a 

man saw him laying {by the road.} / He saw my ("me") playing

ball and yelled up {to my}and said [DO of  "said"  is this your 

dog. / And I ran {down the driveway} / and I said Yes. / 

And I told dad / And I was crying /

     I feel good today. / But Note my arms don't feel too well. / 

You see I fell {out of the tree} last night. / My foot sliped / and 

I fell. /  It didn't feel very good. / But  I didn't cry. / But 

[Adv to "didn't cry" when I had the car wrick] I didn't cry 

ether. / 

     I feel good today. / But my eye hurts. / I can't see very

well. / I was {at the brandi's} / and my eye was getting pinked. 

/ And {in the morning}[Adj to "morning" Note #2 when I woke up]

it got stuck. / I had to pull it open. /

     My best friend is Stephany. / Idon't [k]now why / but 

I just like to play {with her.} / Will see I liked [her - EV] every 

{sinse third grade.} / I just think [DO of "think" she is fun to 

play with.] / [Note #3 Like I said before!] /

     The goodest day [Adj to "day" I every had] was [Adv to "was"

when Note  I came {to Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx}] / I like this school

very much. / It is a good school. / I like my teacher the best /

she is very nice and pretty and slim very pretty and SLIM! /


1. Students working at Level Five might want to look at this clause in terms of the  delayed subject. Note that the "It" is a meaningless placeholder, and that the sentence means "When Frackles got hit was at night."

2. A case can easily be made for considering this clause as adverbial to "got stuck." I prefer the adjectival explanation because it better fits the KISS theory of how the brain processes language. "[M]orning" will already be in STM, and the brain is much more likely to make a meaningful chunk to something that is already in it, than it is to hold the clause until it reaches "got stuck."

3. I'm leaving the "Like" uncounted because I consider the clause to be an interjection. Personally, I don't have any problem leaving it as a subordinate clause fragment. It's meaning is clear, and it comes at the end of the paragraph. That it was probably an afterthought helps explain why it is a fragment. In addition, there is the question of what it modifies -- "think" or "is." (Like I said before, I just think she is fun to play with" or " I just think she is, like I said before, fun to play with." (Although I myself would use "as" here instead of "like," the battle against the use of "like" as a conjuntion was lost decades ago. Attempting to continue that battle probably only adds to students' distaste for grammar.)

Total Words = 271 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  35  13
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 43 29
L2: + S / V / C 152 85
L3: + Clauses 22 93

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