Assignments for Week # 4
ENL 111 (Vavra)
Note: The links in the left column will not work for you. They take me to my class notes.
  Due In-class
Feb 1
1. Write your response to Exercise # 2 (on fallacies). Suggestion: Look in the sections about "Fallacies of Distraction," "Causal Fallacies" and "Inductive Fallacies."

2. Study Syntax Assignment 5 (Adding Modal Verbs) and do the Exercise.

3. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.



Feb 3
1. Bring all your notes of the fallacies and exercises to class.

2. Read They Say/I Say, pages 74 - 87 (Chapter 6)

3. Study Syntax Assignment 6 (More Practice with Helping Verbs) and do the Exercise.

4. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

In-class essay on fallacies
Feb 5
1. Study for the Syntax Test

2. Read They Say/I Say, pages 88 - 98 (Chapter 7)

3. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

Syntax Test # 1

Intro to Library Tutorial
Directions for the Library Tutorial


"Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed."