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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N02

Level 2: 
Add Subjects, Finite Verbs, & Complements

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     Because browsers cannot handle double underlining, subjects are in bold green; finite verbs, in bold blue. Complements are in bold dark red, with their labels after them.  The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in black. 

     My family has seven people (DO) {in it}. First my dad Note # 1

then my mom then my oldest sister Cyndee and then me and 

Crystal, Tara, and Amanda they're my youngest sisters (PN)

My dad is 30 years old (PA) and is a chef (PN)My mom is

28 (PA) Note #2 and doesn't work. My oldest sister is 12 (PA)

she's{in 7th grade} she's a brat (PN)I'm 9 (PA) and I'm {in 

the 4th grade}. My young sister is 7 (PA) and {in 2nd grade}

My other young sister is 2 (PA). And the other is 3 months old

(PA). Eddie, my dad, Tara, Mom Crystal, and amanda

have brown hair (DO). Me Note #3 and Cyndee have blond

hair (DO)My, Cyndee, Crystal, and mom have brown

eyes (DO)Eddi, Tara, and Amanda have blue eyes (DO)

     I live {in a brick hous} {on fox Dr.} There are three rooms 

(PN) living room, kitchen, and bathroom. There are four

bedrooms (PN). I share a bedroom (DO) {with my sister}

Cyndee. I have a basement (DO) {with a workshop laundry room 

and famly room}I have a back yard (DO) {with a hammock and

clothes line and an ugly evergreen bush}.  And {in my front yard} 

I have some flowers (DO) and bushes (DO). My house has 

13 windows (DO) and 3 doors (DO). Only one bathroom and 

that's bad (PA)

     The worst day {in my life} was Note # 4 when I was tired (PA) 

and we had to walk all day {at the zoo}We saw the 

Monkeys (DO), Zebras (DO), prarie dogs (DO), lions 

(DO), tigers (DO), reptiles (DO), birds (DO), and seals 

(DO). Note #5 Then we ate pizza (DO) and I saw a elephant 

(DO), giraffe (DO). Note #6 I was eight (PA) and I didn't like

going (DO) Note #7 {to the zoo}. and I got to see the baby

hippos (DO) and I don't like im (DO)We also got to ride

the metro (DO) and it really went fast. It made a stop (DO)

every 12 secounds and more and more and more and more people 

got on and I kept on falling down, Because I had to stand 

because there was Note #8 too many people (PN) {on the metro}.


1. It is O'Donnell, if I remember correctly, who notes young writers' tendency to create lists. I am leaving "dad ... mom ... sister Cyndee and ... me and Crystal, Tara, and Amanda" as unanalyzed until Level Three (Clauses). At this level, however, teachers might want to point out (if students ask) that it might be better to put an "is" after "First." More mature writers, of course, would probably handle these words as appositives, probably with a dash: "seven people in it -- First my dad, then my mom, then my oldest sister Cyndee, and then me and Crystal, Tara, and Amanda ." I would not introduce the concept of the appositive to students before eighth or ninth grade. Doing so probably causes more confusion than help.

2. "Mom is what?" here evokes the answer "28." I would let students consider this as a predicate adjective, should they desire to do so. A bright student might note the conflict with "30" in dad's being "30 years old," in which case I would point out that the second sentence means that mom is 28 years old. Thus, there are two acceptable interpretations. ["Years" is a noun used as an adverb to "old," and "30" (and "28") are adjectives to "years."]

3. Here, of course, is an opportunity to teach the usage question -- "Cyndee and I," noting that "me" doesn't function well as a subject ("Me have blonde hair." will not sound acceptable to the students.)

4. Don't expect students at this level to be able to identify the complement of "day was." If they ask, tell them that the complement is the rest of the sentence, and that it consists of clauses, which they will study later (Level Three).

5. I would lavish rich praise on the details in this sentence. Not only is it more vivid than "We say all the animals," but it also probably reflects the primary way that good writers achieve the clause lengths that are considered syntactically mature.

6. I'd point out that an "and a" would be better before "giraffe."

7. Although "going" is a gerund, students will have no problem recognizing its function as the direct object of "didn't like," I can see no reason for telling them, at this level, that it is a gerund, unless they ask. In that case, I would simply note that it is a gerund, and that they will be studying more about gerunds later.

8. This raises the question of subject/verb agreement. Some people will say that the verb "should be" "were." (Indeed, I would have written "were.") I was once asked how the KISS Approach addresses this problem (since it eliminates expletive "there.") In my view, the KISS Approach does a better job than the approach through expletive "there." Since a predicate noun has to be equal to the subject, then if the predicate noun is plural, the subject has to be also. 
     The question here, however, is is "people" plural, or does it designate a group? I would suggest to students that "people" should be considered plural, and I would offer the revision "Too many people were on the metro."

Total Words = 322 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  57  18
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 71 40
L2: + S / V / C 158 89

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