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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N06

Level 1A: 
Prepositional Phrases Plus
Ajectives and Adverbs

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Ajectives are in green; adverbs in blue.In subsequent levels, both will be in gray. Conjunctions which coordinate adjectives or adverbs are colored brown and counted as words analyzed.

     I have four people {in my family.} My mom, my dad, 

my sister and me. My mom's name is Gracie. She cleans 

houses and sews. She is nice and sometimes she's funny. 

She was born {in New York.} I think she is 34 years old. 

Next I'll tell you {about my dad.}  He works {at Xxxxxxxx 

Xxxxxxxx Corp.}  His name is Jack. He was born {in 

Xxxxxxxxx Virginia.} He is 36 years old. He is fun to play 

with. Now I'll tell you {about my sister.}  Her name is Sally. 

She is strange. She's 4 years old. She was born {in 

Xxxxxxxxxx, Virginia.} She's kind of Note #1 cute.  Finally me,

I was born {in Xxxxxxxxxx, Virginia.} I am 9 years old. 

     We have a cat. His name is Archie. He is white and 

orange. He's very stupid but, we still like him.  He is about

1 year people years and 13 cat years. He likes to catch

little animals and insects. Now I'll tell you {about my

grandpa.} He is 83 years old. He was born {in Caledonia 

County, New York.} He has a cat named Dinkey.  He is 

about 11 years {in cat years} and almost 1 year {in people

years.} Dinkey's very strange and always playful. He also

chases insects. 

     My house is a brick house. It is not very big, but it's a

pretty nice Note #2 sized house. I live {at 238 Xxxxxxx 

Avenue.}  My basement is nice and cool {in the

summer.} It is very cold {in the winter.} Next I'll tell you

{about all} {of the rooms} {in my house.} There are about

6 or 7 rooms upstairs and about 5 rooms {in the basement.}

We have two bathrooms one sewing room three bedrooms 

one living room one laundry room one food room that 

about takes care {of the rooms} {in my house.}


1. As noted on the page for prepositional phrases, "kind of" here means "somewhat."

2. Standard English probably calls for "nicely" here, but that is a question of usage, not syntax. Syntactically, "nice" still functions as an adverb to "sized." Note that a comma after "pretty" would turn it into an adjective modifying "house." Without the comma, most readers will chunk "pretty" to "nice," thereby treating is as an adverb. Some grammarians will probably insist on calling "sized" a participle, but most students will accept viewing it simply as an adjective. I see no reason for not agreeing with the students -- and thereby keeping things simple.

Total Words = 306 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  66  22
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 69 44

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