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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N08

Level 1: Prepositional Phrases

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Current technology makes it extremely difficult to draw lines, etc. from word to word in web documents. In Level One, I have therefore indicated words modified by prepositional phrases in following brackets. These brackets will be deleted in the answer keys to subsequent levels.

     My saddest day I ever had is when My dog got hit {by a 

car.} [Adverb to "got hit"] It happened when I was playing ball. It

was {at night} [Adverb to "was"] when Fracles got hit. Fracles 

broke lose, and ran down to go {to the apple trees.} [Adverb 

to "to go"] And he got hit when he was crossing the road. 

And whoevery hit Fracles did not stop. And then a man saw 

him laying {by the road.} [Adverb to "laying"] He saw my 

playing ball and yelled up {to my} [Adverb to "yelled"] and said

is this your dog. And I ran {down the driveway} [Adverb to 

"ran"] and I said Yes. And I told dad. And I was crying. 

     I feel good today. But my arms don't feel too well. You 

see I fell {out of the tree} [Adverb to "fell"] last night. My foot 

sliped and I fell.  It didn't feel very good. But I didn't cry. But 

when I had the car wrick I didn't cry ether. I feel good today. 

But my eye hurts. I can't see very well. I was {at the brandi's}

[Adverb to "was"] and my eye was getting pinked. And {in the 

morning} [Adverb to "got stuck"] when I woke up it got stuck. I 

had to pull it open. 

     My best friend is Stephany. I don't now why but I just like

to play {with her.} [Adverb to "to play"] Will see I liked every 

{sinse third grade.} [Adverb to "liked"] I just think she is fun to 

play with. Like I said before! 

     The goodest day I every had was when I came {to 

Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx} [Adverb to "came"] I like ths school very 

much. It is a good school. I like my teacher the best she is 

very nice and pretty and slim very pretty and SLIM!



Total Words = 271 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  35  13

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