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Aesops' Fable # 1:  The Ant and the Grasshopper
Answer Key for Level 1
Current technology makes it extremely difficult to draw lines, etc. from word to word in web documents. In Level One, I have therefore indicated words modified by prepositional phrases in following brackets. These brackets will be deleted in the answer keys to subsequent levels.
    {In a field} [Adverb to "was hopping"] one summer's day a 

Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing {to 

its heart's content.} [Adverb to "chirping" and "singing"]  An Ant 

passed {by *him*,} [Adverb to "passed"] bearing along {with 

great toil} [Adverb to "bearing"] an ear {of corn} [Adjective to

"ear"] he was taking {to the nest.} [Adverb to "was taking"]

     "Why not come and chat {with me,"} [Adverb to "chat"]

said the Grasshopper, {"instead of toiling and moiling} 

[Adverb to "come" and "chat"] {in that way?"} [Adverb to "toiling" 

and "moiling"]

     "I am helping to lay up food {for the winter,"}  [Adjective to 

"food"; or Adverb to "lay up"] said the Ant, "and recommend you

to do the same."

     "Why bother {about winter?"} [Adverb to "bother"] said the 

Grasshopper; we have got plenty {of food} [Adjective to "plenty"]

{at present."} [Adverb to "have got"]  But the Ant went {on its 

way} [Adverb to "went"] and continued its toil.  When the winter 

came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying 

{of hunger,} [Adverb to "dying"] while it saw the ants 

distributing every day corn and grain {from the stores}

[Adverb to "distributing" or Adjective to "corn" and "grain"]  they had 

collected {in the summer.} [Adverb to "had collected"] Then

the Grasshopper knew:

     It is best to prepare {for the days} [Adverb to "to prepare"] 

{of necessity.} [Adjective to "days"]

Gutenberg Project

Total Words = 150 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  51  34

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