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More Level 4 Exercises

Joke # 9
Answer Key for Level 4
     Verbals are in 18-point bold, usually blue, with their functions indicated after them. (I can't easily draw boxes, ovals, and arrows on web documents.)  Other words counted in relation to them (such as conjunctions, complements, etc.) are also in 18-point bold. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black

Spaces Missing between Words? (Click here for an explanation.)

     A sailor's wife approached the pastor {of her church} just [as

he was stepping {into the pulpit},] and handed him a note. The

note said, ["Harold Peat, having gone (Gerundive to "Peat") 

{to sea}, his wife requests the congregation to pray (Inf 

- DO of  "requests"Note #1) {for his safety}."] /

     The minister hastily unfolded the note, / and {with his mind} {on

the sermon} [he was about to make (Inf - Adverb to "about," i.e.,

"ready"),] he announced: ["Harold Peat, having gone (Gerundive

to "Peat") to see (Inf - Adverbial to  "having gone")  his wife (DO 

of "to see"), requests the congregation to pray (Inf - DO of  

"requests"Note #1)  {for his safety}."] /

Source unknown


1. "Congregation" is both the indirect object of "requests" and the subject of the infinitive "to pray." Or, if you prefer, it is the subject of the infinitive and the infinitive phrase (with its subject) is the direct object of "requests." [Note the similarity to "requests that the congregation pray...."

Total Words = 77 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  20  26
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 14 44
+ L2: S / V / C 26 78
+ L3: Clauses 3 82
+ L4: Verbals 13 99

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