Last Updated 2/14/2023
Les Demoiselles
Pablo Ruiz
y Picasso's
Essays on Grammar
This is simply
a collection of observations on topics of general concern -- and repeated
discussion -- in the teaching of grammar. For practical questions concerning
the teaching of KISS Grammar, see the "Background
Essays for KISS Grammar."
Comments are welcome. (See Contact
#1. But Don't Begin a Sentence with "But."
#2. On Learning Those Pesky Parts of Speech
# 3. Language as a Stream of Meaning
#4 Noun Absolutes—The Controversy
# 5 Why Can't I Use "I"?
# 6. Random Observations on the Teaching
of Grammar
# 7. The Crime: Our Failure to Teach
# 8: Teaching
Grammar with the KISS Approach: "I Don't Know"
[This is also in the "Background Essays"]
# 9 Definitions
of Grammatical Terms
What Is a Definition?
Defining and/or Recognizing Nouns and
Definitions of "Clause"
Definitions of the "T-unit"
# 10. What Grammar
Should Be Taught in K-4?
# 11 "Then" and "Than"
# 12 Standards and Assessment
# 13 [This was
moved to the "Background Essays"]
# 14 Was NCTE Biased against
the Teaching of Grammar?
# 15 Why the Anti-Grammarians are
Wrong: The Problems with Previous Research
# 16 Research on Natural
Syntactic Development
# 17 Syntax, Style, and the Psycholinguistic
# 18 "KISS" -- The Case for "Stupid"?
"And being now at some pause, looking back into that I have passed
through, this writing seemeth to me ("si nunquam fallit imago"),
as far as a man can judge of his own work, not much better than that noise
or sound which musicians make while they are in tuning their instruments:
which is nothing pleasant to hear, but yet is a cause why the music is
sweeter afterwards. So have I been content to tune the instruments of the
Muses, that they may play that have better hands."
-- Sir Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning