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Record Number: W4N03

Level Four: Add Verbals

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      Verbals are in 18-point bold, usually blue, with their functions indicated after them. (I can't easily draw boxes, ovals, and arrows on web documents.)  Other words counted in relation to them (such as conjunctions, complements, etc.) are also in 18-point bold. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black..

     The worst Day {of my life} is [When  I had a birthday] and [My 

Sister seemed to be the birthday girl.] / I know [this isn't very bad] /

but I can't think {of anything} [that was worst] / now I will finish my

story. / So me and my friend Went upstairs and put together my 

present [that I got {from dad}] / My dad and mom helped me put

(Inf., D.O. of "helped" Note #1) together my present (D.O. of 

"put"). / [After everybody went home] I was mad {at my sister}

but I got {over it} /

     My house is brick{at the bottom}and yellow {at the top} / We 

live {at 1302 Wxxxxxx Ave.} / My house has two floors. / We have

a hill {around my house.} / We have two living rooms, three bedrooms,

two bathrooms, and a kitchen. / We have eight rooms {in our house} 

/ We have two t.v {in my house.} / I like my house very much. /


1. At this point. "me" can be considered both the indirect object of "helped" and the subject of "put."

Total Words = 146 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  31  21
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 31 42
L2: + S / V / C 75 94
L3: + Clauses 6 98
L4: + Verbals 2 99

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