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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N04

Level 1A: 
Prepositional Phrases Plus
Ajectives and Adverbs

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Ajectives are in green; adverbs in blue.In subsequent levels, both will be in gray. Conjunctions which coordinate adjectives or adverbs are colored brown and counted as words analyzed.

     I live {at 432 Xxxxxxxx Street.} I live {in a green and

white house} I have four bedrooms. My moms Note #1

bedroom is the biggest, we have seven closets {in our house}

so I play hid and seek {in them} my back yard is big so my

brother built a club house.  We have a shower {in our bath

room,} my sister is always {in the shower}when I want to 

get {in it.} My mom has a dressing room {in her bedroom.}

I have lots {of toys} {in my room} and lots {of Janit

Jackson posters and the Jets.} {In my sistersNote #3 room}

all she has is makeup.  I have a bathroom and a dining room 

and a living room and a kitchen.  My room is purple and and

a rainbow {acrose it.} My brothers room is junky.

     This morning I woke up and got dressed and then my

aunt told me to make her a cup {of coffe} and I spilled it 

and I fell {in dirt} and tangeled my hair  has your morning 

ever started {like this.}

     This morning I woke and I couldnt find nothing to wear 

and I fell {down the steps} but that was not the worst thing 

I couldn't eat my cearl and mile because my throght was sore 

Oh and also I am going to go {to the new mall} this week to 

get new clothes do you go {to the new mall.} My mother is 

very beatyful. I have a brother and sister.  My dad is tall  my

mom is short. My brother looks {like my dad.} When my

mom is {in a good mood} she takes us shopping. Every time 

my dad is {in a good mood} he gives us money.  My sister 

looks {like my mother} and so do I.  My sister is {in Xxxxxx

Xxxxxx Middle School.}

     My dad is 30.  My mom is 29. My moms birthday is 

November the 23. Note #4  My mom is a nurse  my dad 

workes {on cars.}  my sister is 12, she does my hair. 

my brother is 10.  he fixes bikes. My sisters name is Dxxxxxl 

and my brothers mane is Dxxxxx.  I was born {in 

Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx.}


1. Although possessive nouns function as adjectives, this example demonstrates why we need to teach students to identify them as possessive nouns.

2. I have considered adding "Nouns Used as Adjectives" to the KISS inventory of constructions, but decided against it. Should a student raise a question about it, I would respond that it certainly does look as if nouns can function as adjectives, and then I would congratulate her (or him) for the discovery.

3. "My" modifies "sister's," and, as noted above, the possessive noun functions as an adjective.

4. I'm cheating here, and I wouldn't be bothered if students caught me. "Novermber the 23rd" is idiomatic for "the 23rd of November." I could make a longer explanation using ellipsis -- "is in November on the 23rd." But often longer explanations waste valuable class time. The important point is that students already know that "November the 23rd" forms a single chunk (phrase).

Total Words = 365 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  86  24
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 71 43

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