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Joke # 4
Answer Key for Level 4
     Verbals are in 18-point bold, usually blue, with their functions indicated after them. (I can't easily draw boxes, ovals, and arrows on web documents.)  Other words counted in relation to them (such as conjunctions, complements, etc.) are also in 18-point bold. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black

Spaces Missing between Words? (Click here for an explanation.)

       The American government, {in studying (Gerund - 

Object of "in") the migratory habits (DO of "studying")} {of birds},

bands them{with a metal strip} inscribed (Gerundive to "strip"): /  

"Notify Fish & Wild Life Service, {Washington, D.C.)"  / The bands

used to read, "Washington Biological Survey," abbreviated 

(Gerundive to "Washington Biological Survey") {to "Wash. Biol. Surv."}

The inscription was changed {to the present one}shortly [after a

farmer shot a crow and disgustedly wrote the U.S. government:] / 

"Dear Sirs: I shot one {of your pet crows}the other day and 

followed the instructions attached (Gerundive to "instructions")

{to it} and surved it. It was turrible.  You should stop trying

to fool (Inf - DO of "trying") the people  (DO of "to fool")

{with things} {like that}."

 Baude's Handbook of Humor for All Occasions.
Compiled by Jacob M. Braude.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1958. p.122

Total Words = 96 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  31  32
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 20 53
+ L2: S / V / C 35 90
+ L3: Clauses 1 91
+ L4: Verbals 6 97

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