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More Level 4 Exercises

Joke # 8
Answer Key for Level 4
     Verbals are in 18-point bold, usually blue, with their functions indicated after them. (I can't easily draw boxes, ovals, and arrows on web documents.)  Other words counted in relation to them (such as conjunctions, complements, etc.) are also in 18-point bold. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in 14-point black

Spaces Missing between Words? (Click here for an explanation.)

     Two pirates were reunited {after many years} {of 

terrorizing (Gerund - Object of "of")} the high seas (DO of 

"terrorizing"). The one pirate looked to be {in pretty bad shape}:

 he had a wooden leg, a hook {on his right hand}, and a patch {on 

his left eye}. /

     "You look [like you've been having a rough time.] /  [What

happened?"] asked the first pirate. /

     "Well," [the pirate answered,] "my leg got crushed [when a load

{of cargo}shifted,] / and I had to get a wooden leg My hand got 

caught {in the chain} [as the anchor was being dropped,] / and the

day [after I got my hook,] a fly landed {on my nose}." /

Daryl Shetterly
November 1994.

Total Words = 104 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  25  24
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 23 46
+ L2: S / V / C 47 91
+ L3: Clauses 6 97
+ L4: Verbals 1 98

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