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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N04

Level Five: Add Eight Additional Constructions

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      Words that remained  to be explained (and some for which a better explanation can now be provided) are in 18-point bold black, with their functions indicated after them. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. 

     I live {at 432 Xxxxxxxx Street.} / I live {in a green and white

house} / I have four bedrooms./ My moms bedroom is the

biggest, / we have seven closets {in our house} [I play hid and seek

{in them}] / my back yard is big [so my brother built a club house.]

/ We have a shower {in our bath room,} / my sister is always {in the 

shower} [when I want to get {in it.}] / My mom has a dressing room

{in her bedroom.} / I have lots {of toys}{in my room} and lots {of Janit

Jackson posters and the Jets.} / {In my sisters room}all [she has] is 

makeup./ I have a bathroom and a dining room and a living room and

a kitchen. / My room is purple and and (="has") a rainbow {acrose 

it.} / My brothers room is junky. /

     This morning (NuA to "woke up") I woke up and got 

dressed / and then my aunt told me to make her a cup {of coffe} /

and I spilled it / and I fell {in dirt} and tangeled my hair / has your

morning ever started {like this.} /

     This morning (NuA to "woke") I woke / and I couldnt find

nothing to wear  / and I fell {down the steps} / but that was not the 

worst thing / I couldn't eat my cearl and mile [because my throght 

 was sore] / Oh (Interjection) and also I am going to go {to 

the new mall}this week (NuA to "going to go") to get new 

clothes  / do you go {to the new mall.} /

     My mother is very beatyful. / I have a brother and sister./ My 

dad is tall / my mom is short. / My brother looks {like my dad.} /

[When my mom is {in a good mood}] she takes us shopping 

(Gerund - Noun used as an Adverb) . / Every time (NuA to 

"gives") [my dad is{in a good mood}] he gives us money. / My 

sister looks {like my mother} / and so do I. / My sister is {in 

Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Middle School.} /

     My dad is 30./ My mom is 29./ My moms birthday is November 

the 23./ My mom is a nurse / my dad workes {on cars.} /  my sister 

is 12, / she does my hair. / my brother is 10./ he fixes bikes. /

My sisters name is Dxxxxx /and my brothers mane is Dxxxxx. / I

was born {in Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx.} /

Total Words = 365 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  86  24
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 71 43
L2: + S / V / C 177 92
L3: + Clauses 14 95
L4: + Verbals 11 98
L5: + Eight Additional 6 100

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