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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N07

Level Five: Add Eight Additional Constructions

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      Words that remained  to be explained (and some for which a better explanation can now be provided) are in 18-point bold black, with their functions indicated after them. The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. 

     My family / I have four people {in my family.} / There is

mother, father, sister and me. / We like to play tennis, ride bikes

take walks and do a lot {of other things.} / First I'll tell you {about my

mommy.} / She doesn't have a job. / she's a housewife / [while I am

{in school}] my mom goes out. / Now my dad drives a bread truck {for

Xxxxxx baking company.} / We get a lot {of donuts, pies, cookies and 

cupcakes.} / My sister is a pain sometimes  / but we get along pretty 

good. / She thinks [she's a big girl [when she hangs {from the bars}

{in our yard.}]] / And last it's me. / Well (Interjection) I like to 

do gymnastics, play tennis, ride bike and play soccer. /

     My house is {on 428 Xxx Drive.} / It is not very big. / It's a one 

story five rooms. / Plus a pantrey. / I have a bathroom, kitchen, living 

room and two bedrooms./ {Outside of my house}I have a carport 

{with shads} and a swing. / {In the yard} we have a small playground 

{with bars swingset and a plastic horse} [we can ride on. ] / {In two} 

{of our trees} there are squirrel boxes. / that's all {about my house.} /

     The worst day [I spent] was [when my momy told me [my aunt 

died and  had to go {to school.} ]] / I worried and worried all day 

(NuA to "worried") long. / She was{on oxgen} / and she went to 

sleep / my other aunt came to check {on her} / and [when she came 

down] she was laying {on the bed.} /

Total Words = 254 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  64  25
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 48 44
L2: + S / V / C 105 85
L3: + Clauses 11 90
L4: + Verbals 24 99
L5: + Eight Additional 2 100

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